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Consultations | Aashish Nanda

" 90% of all New Age Health issues can be overcome by simple LIFESTYLE corrections "

ashish nanda yogi

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My health Journey


Couple of life debilitating health issues was necessary for me to leave the safety of corporate world and to embark on the final leg of my journey in becoming a full-time Wellness Facilitator.


I still remember the day in 2005 when   my Doctor made me aware of my failing health. Perpetual Stomach issues, recurring fevers, deudonal ulcers, underlined & obvious stress, massive weight gain,  a herniated disk made me look and feel beyond my years.  My energy level was always rock bottom.


I had to make lifestyle changes…worked through my limitations and turned to yoga for regaining my health.  With time, I was feeling better.  Things were in my control again.


Lightening can strike twice... One random evening in November 2010, I started itching all over as if I have been bitten by thousands of bugs.  What followed was pure living hell…skin discoloration and constant high voltage itching made it impossible for me to function. I could be out with my clients and, all of a sudden, I would start burning up.  What triggered off an episode was way beyond comprehension of doctors…vague explanations like  "a mite bite", "eczema/psoriasis" or maybe the dreaded "C", I had my share of diagnosis/medicines/steroids...   


Nothing worked! Medical bills rose. I had run out of choices – more than a year of suffering something unnamed – I lost control of my life.   I had a few moments of sanity but that was it.


Till one day desperation to find a cure or end it all drove me to start self-assessing…I read like a maniac…poured over medical sites, went over my symptoms with a microscope…talked to people and many misses later, I had a hit…maybe I had dental (amalgam) mercury poisoning. My Doctors agreed...


My system was on the verge of a collapse... My life, as I knew it, was over, YET it became the best day of my life; a rebirthing process.  Conventional treatments did not work... I took charge of my own health…Yoga and Panch Bhuta philosophy became integral part of my life. I spent months and years focused on reclaiming my health. I started transforming for the better.


Today, I feel fitter and healthier than what I was 10 years back. Yes! I do suffer from mercury poisoning side effects, from time to time, but it is an exception now rather than the norm.


I continue to experiment on myself to improve my health and I am sure I will continue to make changes throughout my life as I discover new truths and my body-mind changes.


My experiences during all of this changed my view of medicine and inspired me to be part of a different approach to healthcare. Modern medicine works scientific miracles with acute care medicine, but it neglects preventative care.


Holistic Wellness is my life mantra now. I wish for the day when everyone else should also do the same and address their health issues holistically.

How I live now


I used to be a regular smoker BUT I dislike cigarette smoke now and that is the only rule rigidity I have. "I will not smoke... actively and/or passively." Another rule I try and stick to is to have my dinner before sunset.


Everything else is a guideline and my do's and don'ts are reasonable, flexible and adaptable.


A few guidelines that I try and follow: Breakfast and Lunch are 80% of my food intake. Being a fire constitution my food plate is 60+% vegetables; cereals & salad, carbs & fiber form the rest. My sugar and salt intake is down by 50%. My water intake has gone up by around 30%. I do not drink refrigerated water, at all... Water is either room temperature or a little warm, depending on what my system requires. Off late, I have tried to wean myself off dairy BUT it's been a tough grind.


Daily exercise is a must. I practice a mix of yoga asanas and a gentle 2 km run, weather permitting.... and then there are days when I am lazy...I cheat!


Sine wave breathing has helped me overcome my stresses, autoimmune issues and a few other lifestyle related health niggles. In fact, it is documented that "90% of people are breathing incorrectly; the primary cause of 80% of all the new age health issues."



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