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Breathe Right - Gain Health - LIVE LIFE


"90% of people have Chest Breathing... Main cause of 80% of all the Body-Mind Health issues"


Diaphragm is responsible for around 80% of respiration process in the Normal Tidal Breathing

What is OXYGEN Yoga?


OXYGEN Yoga is a Yogic Breath-Work process aimed at bringing Body-Breath-Mind to a natural rhythm under all circumstances, moods & emotions.

Why OXYGEN Yoga?


OXYGEN Yoga helps Oxygenate, Restore and Rewire on the Cellular level. Helps overcome 80% of all the 21st Century Body-Mind health issues.

OXYGEN Yoga induced specific Health Benefits


Un-addressed stresses, blocked emotions, poor body image, posture, medical conditions restrict Diaphragm movement, thus Breathing.

Basic Standalone Breathing Techniques

" Just devote 30 minutes everyday for conscious OXYGEN Yoga aided Breathing... to heal and to feel the difference! " - Aashish Nanda


First Personalised Interaction: Rs. 1500 per session

Tuesday ~ Thursday ~ Saturday

Client Home visit: Rs. 2500 per session


 Contact... website and blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


The information provided on this website/blogs is intended for general understanding only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 


As wellness research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information presented on this website/blogs.

COPYRIGHT @ Aashish Nanda 2019

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