OXYGEN yoga Benefits | Corrects Blood Sugar level
" Sine Wave breathing brings blood sugar levels back to normal "
Breathing Benefits | Helps Blood sugar levels - Page 9
9. Breathing helps correct Blood Sugar Levels.
Diaphragmatic breathing can help in optimising insulin levels and bring Blood Sugar levels back to normal. (Sourced from PubMed)
Data collected before and after consumption of a 900-calorie breakfast composed of 80% carbohydrates, 10% proteins, and 10% lipids were analyzed.
Ten (10) minutes after the meal, 8 subjects spent 40 minutes performing diaphragmatic breathing in a quiet place. The other 8 subjects, representing the control group, spent the same time sitting in an equivalent quiet place reading a magazine.
Blood samples were collected immediately before the meal as well as 1 hour and 2 hours after the meal and Heart rate, plasma levels of glucose, insulin, reactive oxygen metabolites, and biologic antioxidant potential were recorded.
Results, in normal group, showed high blood sugar induced free-radical production and reduced antioxidant levels. Whereas group performing Diaphragmatic breathing recorded reduced heart rates, increases insulin, reduces glycemia (Blood Sugar) and reduced free-radicles