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OXYGEN Yoga BenefitsBreath is Meditation

Activates the ALPHA meditative state "

correct breathing mindfulness

Breathing  Benefits | Breath is Meditation - Page 3

3. Breath is Alpha Mindfulness Meditative State.

Breathing below 10 cycles a minute induces Alpha Brainwave; a state of calmness, relaxation and ultimately 'Alpha' Mindfulness Meditation.


Breath Meditation can help go beyond experiences — thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations to a single pointed awareness – THE Breath.


Body responds to the steady Breath rhythm, the mind relaxes and, at times, takes the practitioner beyond the Body and Mind, to the source; the transcendental source – THE Soul.


Scientifically speaking, being Mindful is moving away from the 70,000+ daily thoughts to just a single thought state - the Breath.

OXYGEN Yoga BENEFITS website and blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


The information provided on this website/blogs is intended for general understanding only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 


As wellness research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information presented on this website/blogs.

COPYRIGHT @ Aashish Nanda 2019

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